Core Carbine Concepts

This 8 hour course will help bridge the gap between standard “flat range” skills and the skills that will provide the highest probability of success in an encounter with a determined attacker in a gunfight. Common myths and misconceptions will be dispelled and we will take a hard look at what LEO should actually be training based on readily available data. This course will include both lecture and practical instruction on the following:

  • Illustration of the disconnect between typical training and reality

  • Carbine wounding and ammo selection

  • Human performance factors

  • Safe weapon manipulation 

  • Target discrimination

  • Adequate accuracy

  • Weapon stoppages (reloads and malfunctions)

  • Positional work

  • Movement

  • Use of cover

Equipment List:

Equipment List:

-Duty carbine w/sling and at least 3 magazines

-Duty handgun w/at least 3 magazines

-Duty belt w/holster and magazine pouches

-Body armor

-Eye/Ear protection

-Tourniquet on person

-300 rounds carbine ammunition

-100 rounds handgun ammunition

-water and snacks

Students are expected to already be familiar with their weapon system and must be able to demonstrate safe weapon handling skills.

This class will involve some moderately physically strenuous activity and as such, come prepared.